The Deluxe Trim Package adds an artistic touch to your building. It features a wider 5" trim and gives your building a wider overhang then buildings with the backyard trim package.
Standard Features:
30 Year Architectural Shingle Roof
All 2" X 4" Construction 16" On Center
18" X 27" Window(s)
Gable Vents
Double Doors
Duratemp T-1-11 Siding Or
Vinyl Sided
Your Choice of Colors
Pictured: 12' X 16' Vinyl New England Cape Shed
Shown with optional:Larger 24" X 36" windows, Shutters & Transom Windows in doors
Pictured: 8' X 12' T-1-11 New England Cape Shed (Red Siding, Navajo White Trim, Slate Shingles)